47 research outputs found

    The gap between Peace Economics and nowadays European integration model.

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    The gap between Peace Economics and nowadays European integration mode

    Beyond Hyper-capitalism: can the sharing economy reshape sustainable development?

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    In nowadays globalized world, highly interconnected by various kind of networks, first of all the social networks, a radical phenomenon is rapidly gaining momentum: that of the sharing economy. From the United States to the Eastern Europe, the phenomenon is becoming increasingly vast and increasingly discussed. Uber, Airbnb, HomeExchange, and so on are extending like wildfire. Even in Albania we start to see the first startups and the first experimentations. But what does this mean? Does represent an opportunity of development for the country? What are its critical issues? The work starts form the crisis of the hyper-capitalism and of the concept of ownership which is being replaced with that of a more fluid sharing. In this way, we will analyze the words and the concepts which lay at the basis of the sharing economy, influencing the effects this new way of acting and living has on the economies and on the socialization processes of the countries involved. In this perspective, we will also try to consider if and to what extent the sharing economy can be said to be a bearer of a reform of the sustainable development

    Abdul Ghaffar Khan and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: The ethical point of view

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    The figure of Abdul Ghaffar Khan is analyzed in the light of the similarities between his non-violent ethic and that of Gandhi. Several similarities will be found, but there is a fundamental difference: while Gandhi bases his method on morality, Khan bases it on religion, on the Qura

    The Sharing Economy at the Crossroads. A Conflict Between Social Values and Market Mechanisms

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    In the last few years the phenomenon of the Sharing Economy rapidly gained momentum. The reasons for this success are multiple but the most important is the tendency to faster exchanges and economic relationships both on the real and the financial market. This awareness made it essential to start the study from the crisis of the hyper-capitalism and of the concept of ownership which is being replaced with that of a more fluid sharing. in this way, we will analyze the words, the concepts and the values at the basis of the sharing economy which influence the effects this new way of acting and living has on the economies and on the socialization processes of the countries involved. In this perspective, we will also try to consider if and to what extent the sharing economy can have a positive impact on sustainable development.In the last few years the phenomenon of the Sharing Economy rapidly gained momentum. The reasons for this success are multiple but the most important is the tendency to faster exchanges and economic relationships both on the real and the financial market. This awareness made it essential to start the study from the crisis of the hyper-capitalism and of the concept of ownership which is being replaced with that of a more fluid sharing. in this way, we will analyze the words, the concepts and the values at the basis of the sharing economy which influence the effects this new way of acting and living has on the economies and on the socialization processes of the countries involved. In this perspective, we will also try to consider if and to what extent the sharing economy can have a positive impact on sustainable development

    Nga Peace Research në Peace Economics: roli i procesit te integrimit Europjan

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    Menjehere mbas viteve te luft es se dyte boterore, studimet mbi paqen dhe mbrojtjen nga konfl iktet e ndryshme, jane berë perhere e më të rendsishme duke arritur në një ndryshim rrenjesor të paradigmave në vitet ‘70. Vemendja e studiuesve u perqendru në konceptin “paqe” (negative) jo më si ekuilibër internacjonale diametralisht i kundërt me gjendjen e luft es por si raport që ka të bejnë me “mungesën e dhunës” (structurale o kulturale). Nje paqe e ndertuar vetëm nepermjet ndryshimit rrenjesor të shoqerisë, të zhvillimit politik e ekonomik, si dhe zhdukjes se pabarazinave. Ne brendesi te ketij projekti që permbledh shumë fusha studimi ne te cilin ishte e rendsishme krij imi i nje shoqerij e te re në sferën politike, ekonomike e kulturore perfshihet edhe një mendim i ri mbi ate te quajturën “Peace Economics”. Çfare do te thotë: “Peace Economics”? Duke perdorur thenjet e Jurgen Brauer dhe ato të Raul Caruso mund te themi që ajo përfshin studimin ekonomik, projektimin dhe themelimin e nocjoneve kryesore dhe istitucionet perkatse politike, ekonomike dhe kulturore; bashkëveprimi i tyre, dhe politikat per të parandaluar, lehtësuar o zgjidhjen e çdo lloj violence aktuale, dhe fshehur, o konfl ikte të tjera shkaterruese brenda shoqerive ose mes shoqerive te ndryeshme”. Cilat jane krakteristikat e Peace Economics? Dhe çfare lidhje egziston mes Peace Economics dhe procesit te integrimit europjan? Ky përpunim do te tregojë se fi llimi i këtij studimi i ka rrenjet në procesin e integrimit që ka sjelle krij imin e istituteve europjane. Mund te themi që zhvillimi i njeres ka ndihmuar e kondiscionuar zhvillimin e tjetres dhe gjithashtu në te kundert. Shembulli dhe historia e komunitetit europjan (Europes se bashkuar) dëshmojnë qe bashkpunimi dhe integrimi politik, ekonomik shoqeror kan qenë elemente të domodoshme te nje politike qe ka ndyshuar fetyuren e bote

    Pace, politica e società. Gli sviluppi metodologici della Peace Research Agenda

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    Già prima della Seconda Guerra Mondiale era possibile individuare i primi movimenti per la ricerca scientifica sulla pace sotto il cappello della polemologia, ma è solo in seguito alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale che la Peace Research divenne un filone di studi autonomo volto alla prevenzione di una guerra nucleare o di ulteriori conflitti devastanti per l’umanità. La questione del ‘disarmo’ è pertanto un tema centrale del dibattito sulla pace di questo periodo. Ma è a partire dagli anni Settanta che un nuovo approccio, più maturo e più poliedrico, alla materia inizia a farsi strada. Si entra così nella seconda fase dello sviluppo degli studi per la pace in cui l’attenzione si concentra non più su un significato di ʻpaceʼ (negativa) come stato dei rapporti internazionali antitetico allo stato di guerra, ma su una lettura della stessa come ‘assenza di violenza’ (sia essa diretta, strutturale o culturale). Una pace instaurabile soltanto attraverso un radicale cambiamento sociale, lo sviluppo politico ed economico e l'eliminazione delle disuguaglianze. La Peace Research oggi si interroga sul tipo di relazioni internazionali necessarie per prevenire, mitigare o risolvere conflitti violenti con un occhio ai problemi posti dall’economia globalizzata, dal diritto internazionale e alla sicurezza nazionale. Interessante in tal senso è l’apporto dato dalla Peace Economics intesa come progettazione della pace in prospettiva economica e sociale

    The smart home in the mind and in the practice of digital natives. The case of “Sapienza” University

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    Smart home e giovani: quale la percezione? La presente indagine pilota, effettuata da un gruppo di studiosi dell’Università Sapienza di Roma mira ad analizzarne i risultati, rappresentando una ricognizione essenziale di quello che è l’universo dei giovani in relazione al mondo smart e alla domotica. L’Ateneo Sapienza sposa appieno la sfida lanciata da Horizon 2020 con il progetto ReStart4Smart, un laboratorio pratico in cui poter conoscere e sperimentare, fare ricerca e innovare, condividere e divulgare, tanto problemi quanto, e più possibile, soluzioni ambientali ed abitative. Chi sono realmente i nativi digitali? E qual è il loro livello di conoscenza della smart home? Quali i valori e quali i comportamenti concreti in relazione all’utilizzo intelligente delle nuove tecnologie

    How important is culture? Analysis of the most recent data on Italian educational offer and its impact on employment and employability

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    In a globalised world, where competitiveness represents the keystone of modern capitalist society and, thus, of economic health and prosperity, knowledge and expertise express the very differentiating element between successful and unsuccessful economic performance. In a systemic perspective, the ever-changing character of our society imposes a continuous reorientation of the processes of knowledge transmission to tackle the increasing challenges, posed by interrelated labour markets. In the academic field, this involves the use of multi- and transdisciplinary approaches in research and education. In the light of the assumption that the economy is not a self-standing subject, but it dialectically interacts with the socio-cultural phenomena, the researchers will provide an in-depth analysis of the most recent data on the relationship between economics and culture. This article is the result of analytical research, conducted by using the mixed research methodology. The primary and secondary data are used, as well as do an extensive bibliographic research. The analysis offered is functional, in order to determine a correlation between economics and culture. By examining the specific outcome of the educational system, the researchers will give important insights into the capacity of the Italian educational system to address new needs of labour markets, i.e. to support the employment rate of recent graduates. This work further aims to verify the hypothesis of a positive correlation between economic performance and educational level. The main research limitation might be related to the fact that this study offers a national overview of the phenomenon, leaving aside any regional or local specificity. The original value of this work lays in the test of the theory, recognizing a connection between changes in the labour market and in Italian educational system

    How important is culture? Analysis of the most recent data on Italian educational offer and its impact on employment and employability

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    In a globalised world where competitiveness represents the keystone of modern capitalist society and thus of economic health and prosperity, knowledge and expertise express the very differentiating element between successful and unsuccessful economic performances. In a systemic perspective, the ever-changing character of our society imposes a continuous reorientation of the processes of knowledge transmission to tackle the increasing challenges posed by interrelated labour markets. In the academic field, this involves the use of multi- and transdisciplinary approaches in research and education. In the light of the assumption that the economy is not a self-standing subject but it dialectically interacts with the socio-cultural phenomena, the researchers will provide an in-depth analysis of the most recent data on the relationship between economics and culture. This article is the result of analytical research, conducted by using the mixed research methodology. The primary and secondary data are used, as well as do an extensive bibliographic research. The analysis offered is functional, in order to determine a correlation between economics and culture. By examining the specific outcome of the educational system, the researchers will give important insights into the capacity of the Italian educational system to address new needs of labour markets, i.e. to support the employment rate of recent graduates. This work further aims to verify the hypothesis of a positive correlation between economic performance and educational level. The main research limitation might be related to the fact that this study offers a national overview of the phenomenon, leaving aside any regional or local specificity. The original value of this work lays in the test of the theory recognizing a connection between changes in the labour market and in Italian educational system

    Valori e processi in Danilo Dolci. La sociologia sperimentale per il mutamento socioculturale

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    Sin dalle origini della sociologia molti sono gli studiosi che hanno cercato di spiegare come sia possibile l’esistenza di quei dualismi, da sempre presenti nella storia umana, tra struttura e azione, ordine e mutamento e di come essi possano assumere forme diverse a seconda del maggiore grado di sviluppo dell’uno o dell’altro. Tra le molteplici figure del panorama italiano interessate a comprendere questo fenomeno al fine di coglierne gli elementi di “plasmabilità”, una delle più importanti – sebbene spesso dimenticate – è probabilmente Danilo Dolci. Il mutamento socioculturale può essere, infatti, considerato il cuore di ogni interesse di Dolci che, nel suo essere al contempo sociologo e attivista sociale, intende la sociologia come una “scienza sperimentale”. Una scienza in grado di fornire gli strumenti conoscitivi essenziali affinché si possa dare avvio a profondi processi di mutamento sociale e culturale in grado di favorire lo sviluppo delle comunità studiate